Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month
Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month February is known for all the heart-shaped boxes full of candy, but did you know that February is also National Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month? Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) usually affects people 50 years or older. It is a disease of the macula, a small area in the back of your eye that is responsible for your central vision, or what you see directly in front of you. It is like having a spec of dirt on a camera lens. There are two forms of AMD, dry and wet. Most people start with dry AMD which later
How to Start Exercising
How to start exercising With the new year, many people will have a goal to lose weight or get healthier which requires you to get active. "Exercise is the magic pill," says Michael R. Bracko, EdD, FACSM, chairman of the American College of Sports Medicine's Consumer Information Committee. "Exercise can literally cure diseases like some forms of heart disease. Exercise has been implicated in helping people prevent or recover from some forms of cancer. Exercise helps people with arthritis. Exercise helps people prevent and reverse depression." But what if you don’t currently exercise? How do you get started? For those who have not
Christmas Safety Tips
Christmas is supposed to be a happy time of year, but with all of the festivities, decorating and hustle come added dangers. Help keep your family safe this Christmas by following these simple safety tips. If you have a live tree, make sure that you keep it watered and away from a heat source or open fire. Dehydrated trees can easily catch on fire endangering not only your home but your family too. Check your Christmas lights for damaged cords. After being stuck in a hot attic all year long make sure that you check the wiring on your Christmas
Choking Hazards During the Holidays
The holidays are a time of year when we get together with friends and family to share a meal or exchange gifts, but did you also know that it is also a time when choking is much more common. Whether its food or foreign objects like small toys, more people choke during the holidays than any other time of year. We tend to get in a hurry, and unfortunately, that is when choking is likely to occur. Consuming alcoholic beverages can also slow our reflexes and contribute to a higher risk of choking. Here are a few tips for how you
Keeping Kids with Allergies Safe
The Teal Pumpkin Project, inspired by a local awareness activity run by the Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee (FACET), is a campaign from the Food Allergy Research & Foundation designed to build awareness of food allergies and promotes inclusion of all trick-or-treaters throughout the Halloween season. The goal is to encourage neighbors to offer non-candy treats at Halloween for children not only with food allergies but other conditions, such as diabetes, for whom candy is not an option. Getting involved is easy. Provide non-candy treats for trick-or-treaters. Place a teal-colored pumpkin in from of your home to indicate that you
How much Tylenol should my child take?
With school in full swing, so are school germs, and it is only a matter of time before your child gets sick. The first course of treatment for fever in most cases is Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but how much should you give your child? Fever is our bodies natural response to infections and can help our bodies fight them. In most cases, fever is not harmful to school-age children unless there is an underlying medical condition or virus. However, if your child is running a fever they likely don’t feel very well, and a dose of Tylenol or Ibuprofen may help
Does Hand Sanitizer Really Work?
If you are a parent of elementary-age children you'll have no doubt received your school supply list for the new school year by now. Alongside pencils, erasers, and plastic folders without prongs (lord forbid you to send the ones with prongs) you'll likely see a large bottle of hand sanitizer somewhere on that list. Hand sanitizer is an important part of illness prevention, especially in schools and hospitals, but does it really work? Well, it depends on what you mean by "work". If you are expecting 30 seconds of hand rubbing as that cold wet gel magically disappears to kill all
What is heat stroke?
Heat-related illnesses, like heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself. While the body normally cools itself by sweating, during extreme heat, this might not be enough. In these cases, a person’s body temperature rises faster than it can cool itself down. Heat stroke occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature. When heat stroke occurs, the body’s temperature rises rapidly, your natural sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. Body temperature may rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can
5 Pool Safety Tips to Keeping Your Family Safe
During the summer months, one way many families beat the heat is by spending time by the pool. Whether it's your own backyard pool, a blowup kiddie pool or a pool at your vacation resort, all pools pose safety risks. According to the CDC, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional death for children between the ages of 1 and 4. Also, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 390 deaths a year on average are attributed to drowning in a swimming pool or at a spa. So how can you keep your family safe at the pool this summer?
Keep Your Children Active This Summer
Summer will be here before you know it, and if you are a parent that may not be such good news. Soon, your children will be home, with you, for 10 whole weeks. We all love our children, but how do you keep them occupied all summer long? Studies show that too much screen time for children can be detrimental to their health and development. Aside from the obvious consequences lack of physical activity has, too much screen time can affect children’s mental health and has been shown to increase the chances of depression in children. So, what can we do?