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Move More Month 2022

, Move More Month 2022

Move More Month 2022

Each April, the American Heart Association has a Move More Month to encourage all Americans to regularly engage in more physical activity or incorporate exercise into their daily routines. Initially, the American Heart Association only had National Walking Day but expanded the campaign to highlight the importance of physical activity over a longer period of time.

By the year 2035, the economic cost of cardiovascular disease is projected to reach $1 trillion. This includes direct and indirect costs such as doctor visits and missed work. With 69 percent and growing, of Americans classified as overweight, exercise is the best course of action to combat cardiovascular disease. Approximately 80% of cardiovascular disease could have been prevented by moving more. Not to mention, exercise is one of the best daily habits you can establish.

No one is going to magically become an Olympic athlete in a month, but making a plan and sticking to it is a great start towards a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to set aside time throughout your day. Maybe schedule meetings to last only 50 or 55 minutes, so you have the last couple minutes of the hour slot to move around. Don’t aim too high since it will only increase your chances of becoming discouraged. Instead, aim for 20 minutes of aerobic exercise or 10,000 steps each day. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. It’s okay to slip up. We’re only human, after all. But you must get back on track … you have all month!

Most importantly, celebrate your successes. You’re making progress towards a healthier, and likely happier, you. What could be better than that?

Need some more inspiration or tips on how to get the most out of your Move More Month? Check out the links below to the American Heart Association’s website or reach out directly to Neighbors Pharmacy!