The History of Valentine’s Day
Once upon a time, Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for teaching the Christian scriptures to those persecuted in the third century. Today, Valentine’s Day has become a significant cultural and religious celebration in many places of the world through folk traditions. But how?
There are a couple of different theories about what missionary work Saint Valentine performed in Rome. Some historians say he restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer. Others believe he was performing weddings for the Christians that were forbidden to marry. Still, others tell that there was romance in his story, claiming he signed his farewell letter before his execution to the jailer’s daughter as “Your Valentine.”
It was the eighth century before the feast day of Saint Valentine was initially celebrated. However, the day was not associated with love and romance until the 14th or 15th centuries, when the ideology of “courtly love” flourished. By the time the `18th century rolled around, those who had special feelings for others began presenting gifts to show their affection.
Fun fact, in Italy, lovers gift Saint Valentine’s keys that represent the invitation to unlock one’s heart. So if you are looking for the perfect way to express your affection to that special someone this Valentine’s Day, consider shopping LOCAL at the Neighbors Pharmacy Gift Shop.