National Nutrition Month
Eating healthy is essential for maintaining a healthy body weight, preventing chronic diseases, and improving overall health and well-being. However, with so much conflicting information about what constitutes a healthy diet, it can be difficult to know where to start. Since May is National Nutrition Month, Neighbors Pharmacy has provided easy-to-follow tips for healthy eating that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Focus on Whole Foods One of the most important things you can do for your health is to eat a diet rich in whole foods. These foods are minimally processed and contain no added sugars or artificial ingredients.
Over the last few years, over 65 million people have been affected by a strain of COVID-19. Now that the original wave of COVID illnesses has calmed down, doctors are beginning to learn more about the effects of long covid, the symptoms that linger after experiencing COVID, sometimes for years. Scientists have found that long covid affects various internal organs in different ways. For example, some people are reporting chest palpitations and pain. In addition, researchers have seen a correlation between COVID and abnormal gas exchanges in the lungs which can result in coughing or dyspnea. There has also been an
Tips for Healthy Eating
Andrea Nakayama once said, “you’re not what you eat. You’re what your body can do with what you eat.” Likely by now, most of us have slowly forgotten about our New Year’s resolutions. However, National Nutrition Month, which falls every March, is a wonderful opportunity to get back in the saddle and take control of your health and your diet. Lots of fruits and veggies “Eat your fruits and vegetables” is a saying that is told to almost everyone at some point in their lives. In elementary school, we learn about the food groups and how a colorful plate is the healthiest.
The History of Valentine’s Day
Once upon a time, Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for teaching the Christian scriptures to those persecuted in the third century. Today, Valentine’s Day has become a significant cultural and religious celebration in many places of the world through folk traditions. But how? There are a couple of different theories about what missionary work Saint Valentine performed in Rome. Some historians say he restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer. Others believe he was performing weddings for the Christians that were forbidden to marry. Still, others tell that there was romance in his story, claiming he signed his
Baby’s First Cold
For any new parent, the first time your baby starts to feel under the weather, it’s a scary time. Are they just reacting to a new food, are they experiencing allergies for the first time, are they just teething, or are they COVID or RSV? All of these things have similar symptoms, so it can be nerve-wracking letting your baby figure out how sickness feels and how to deal with these new sensations. Nevertheless, the first bout of sniffles will come, and you’ll have a thousand and one questions. The Neighbors Pharmacy team has answered a few frequently asked questions
The Importance of Your Family’s Health History
“It’s the holiday season, so hoop-de-do and dickory dock, and don’t forget to hang up your sock.” The holiday season is a joyous time of giving and family gatherings. As you and your loved ones gather to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, it is also the perfect time to ask some very important questions and get to know your family’s health history. Now, you’re probably thinking, “Why in the world do I need to know Aunt Sue has high cholesterol and Uncle Joe has varicose veins?” Your family’s medical history can help doctors identify trends and diagnose your
The RSV Outbreak of 2022
Every year from around November to March, doctors see a rise in cases of RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, in young children. Although most cases of RSV are mild, and it is believed that all children under two years have experienced the virus at least once, the illness still hospitalizes thousands each year (some studies show as many as 60,000 hospitalizations each year). RSV affects small children by creating a mucus buildup in the lungs. This blockage can restrict oxygen intake. In some cases, infants can also experience pneumonia related to RSV and fail to eat, which will require admittance into a
Meet Our Pharmacists
In 2004, the American Pharmacists Association launched a campaign throughout the month of October to celebrate the invaluable work done by pharmacists. Today, each October is still recognized as American Pharmacists Month, and pharmacists remain a valuable part of our world, especially considering their contribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. This month, the team at Neighbors Pharmacy would like to take this opportunity to highlight the fantastic pharmacists that help serve our community. Chad Bodin When did you start working at Neighbors Pharmacy? I opened Neighbors Pharmacy in May of 2015, but I have been practicing pharmacy for 26 years. What is your favorite part
Maintaining a Healthy Cholesterol Level
High cholesterol heavily increases your chances of suffering from a heart attack or stroke and living with heart disease. With one million Americans experiencing a heart attack and approximately 500,000 deaths due to heart disease, it is no surprise that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This September, in honor of National Cholesterol Education Month, Neighbors Pharmacy wants to share some simple ways to help control your cholesterol levels. If you suffer from high cholesterol, you have probably been told to eat healthy more times than you can count. However, controlling your cholesterol is more
Immunization Awareness
It’s back-to-school time, and many schools are reaching out to make sure they have each student’s immunization records on file. The Louisiana Department of Health requires that all students have their vaccines, and the schools must submit a report showing what percentages of the student body has received the proper vaccines. Although parents can write to the school and exempt their child from immunizations, vaccines are essential for children and young adults. Scientists have found vaccines to prevent more than 20 life-threatening diseases and have prevented 3.5 to 5 million deaths every year by administering these vaccines. Additionally, vaccines are imperative